Rectory Renovations
Rectory Renovations are Underway!!
Construction has begun on the interior of our rectory. We understand your curiosity, but, for your safety, please respect the construction zone! Do not enter the house or take down the orange fencing. We will keep you updated as the work progresses.
Ohio Bishops' Letter on Migrants and Refugees
Ohio Catholic bishops issue letter regarding migrants, refugees and Haitians
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ and all people of goodwill:
In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus is asked by a scholar of the law, “And who is my neighbor?” when faced with upholding the greatest commandment. Jesus replied with the parable of the Good Samaritan. Today, our nation is divided by partisanship and ideology, which blind us to the image of God in our neighbor, especially the unborn, the poor, and the stranger. These negative sentiments are only exacerbated by gossip, which can spread quickly across social media with no concern for the truth or those involved.
From the beginning, the human race was made in the image of God, which (read more...)
Mass Times
Saturday: 4:00 p.m. (Saturday masses are livestreamed. Find the link below.)
Sunday: 8:00 and 11:00 a.m.
Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m.
Holy Days: 8:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. unless otherwise announced.
Confession : 3:15 p.m. Saturdays
Online Giving
Fr. Fritz' 25th Anniversary of Ordination
Office Hours
Friday - 9:00 am - Noon
Closed Holidays
New to the Parish?
If you are new to OLMC and have found a home here, welcome! To register as a new parishioner or family, please click here for the Family Registration Form. Just print, complete, and return the form to us, either by placing it in the collection basket or mailing it to the parish office. We're glad you're here!!
Masses Livestreamed
Food Pantry
OLMC's food pantry is open for food distribution to those in need on Wednesday's from 1:00-2:30pm. The food pantry is located inside the church hall; please enter through the side doors.
Donations for the food pantry may be made during distribution hours, after any of our regular masses, or at the parish offices during normal working hours.
Your generosity enables us to feed hungry families in Buckeye Lake. Thank you!!