Parish Organizations


Altar Servers

     Altar Servers assist the priest during Mass and provide assistance for the active participation of the faithful during the Sacred Liturgy.  Any parishioner, either male or female, who is at least in the 4th grade or older is welcome to participate in this ministry.  For training and more information, please contact Bill Lieb at 740-928-3266

 Bible Study

     During the school year, the parish offers Bible Study on Monday nights at 7 pm in the parish hall.  Deacon Busic leads the group and follows a nationally recognized program.  By the use of DVDs, workbooks, and group discussion, Deacon Dick leads the group on an exploration of various books of the Bible.  For more information contact the parish office at 740-928-3266.

 Choir / Bell Chorus

     If you love to sing, play bells or chimes, or play the organ, piano or guitar, then the choir is for you!  The choir is open to all parishioners from 4th grade to senior citizens.  No auditions required and you do not need to know how to read music.  The choir sings at all Sunday and Holy Day Masses throughout the year.  On certain Sundays/Holy Days you may be asked to sing at all of the Masses; however, for most Sundays, you may choose your Mass time.  Choir practice is normally held on Mondays at 6:30 pm.  (Anyone 18 years or older must take the Protecting God's Children class and be fingerprinted.)

     Cantors are selected by those who show an interest in and have the ability to sing alone.  If you choose to be a cantor, you will be trained and mentored by other cantors.  Cantors are responsible for welcoming the congregation, rehearsing any new music the congregation may not know, and leading the parishioners in a Hail Mary prior to Mass.  During the Mass, the cantor will lead the congregation in the singing of the Responsorial Psalm and the Gospel Alleluia.

     The Bell Chorus meets on Tuesdays from 6-7 pm in the church.  No musical experience is needed.  All you need to know is your alphabet from A - G and how to count to four.  Bell chorus always welcomes new ringers.  They play at selected masses and for special concerts at special times of the year.

      If you are interested in joining the choir or the bell chorus, please contact either Joan Elliott (organist), Sally Oldham (Music Director), or Patty McLoughlin (Office Manager).

 College Student Care Package Committee

    The College Student Care Package Committee is a group which keeps in contact with our recent high school graduates and young adults.  It is their goal to maintain a relationship between the parish community of OLMC and our young adults in college to let them know we have not forgotten them as they begin a new phase in their lives.  At least 2 - 3 times a year, the committee sends "care packages" to our college students.  These packages contain letters of encouragement from either the Pastor or one of the Organizations here at OLMC, gift cards, and of course all sorts of yummy goodies are included in the package.  The committee meets when the packages are ready to be assembled and mailed.  If you would like to help with donations or assembling the care packages, please contact Stephanie Chittum 740-928-3366 or Teresa Biggie 740-862-3474.

 Decorations and Flowers Committee

     Our parish benefits from the hard work of our liturgy environmentalist, Susie Howard.  Susie and her committee take care of the plants in and around the church.  They usually meet on Fridays at 10 am. to prepare the sanctuary for the weekend Masses.  During the seasons of Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, and Pentecost, they are responsible for the decorating of the church.  They are always looking for new people to help them out.  If you have an interest in gardening or decorating, please contact Susie Howard at 740-928-7223

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

     Being an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion is a way to serve your faith community.  Some of our Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion also minister to the sick and homebound of the parish by taking communion to them on a regular basis.  Any member of the parish can be an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion if they meet the following criteria:  1)  They are a practicing Catholic in good standing.  2)  They are a junior in high school or older.  3)  They must be willing to follow the guidelines of proper attire.  4)  They must be willing to fulfill the duties and responsibilities with reverence and humility.

     If you are interested and would like to know more, please contact Deacon Dick at 740-928-3266.  You will need to fill out an application which must be approved by the Pastor.  The applications are then sent to the Bishop for approval.  Once approved, you are then trained and commissioned during a Mass.

Finance Council

     The Finance Council provides input to the pastor regarding matters of a financial or administrative nature.  Appointed by the pastor, members of the Finance Council have backgrounds in business, legal or finance.  A member of Finance Council attends the monthly Parish Council meetings to report on the financial status of the parish.  Finance Council meets quarterly at which time they review the quarterly financial reports and prepare the parish's annual budget.  To be considered for service on the Finance Council, please call the pastor at 740-928-3266.

Gardening Club

    OLMC has a group of parishioners which is responsible for the planting, mulching, weeding, and general upkeep of the various gardens on the church grounds.  They have a group that meets in the mornings and one that meets in the evenings.  If you are interested in this group, please call the parish office at 740-928-3266 and we will put you in contact with the person in charge.

Greeters and Hospitality Ministers

     Greeters assist with making visitors to our parish feel welcome at Masses and other liturgical celebrations.  Those who would like to serve as a greeter at Masses of their choosing may contact Bill Lieb at 740-928-3266 or speak with him after Mass.

 Knights of Columbus

     OLMC Parish is home to Knights of Columbus Our Lady of Mount Carmel Council 13379.  The Knights of Columbus assist in numerous charitable activities benefiting the parish and the local community.  Membership is open to any active Catholic male over 18. The Knights of Columbus Business meeting is held the 1st Wednesday of every month at 7 pm in the parish hall.  For more information, please contact the parish at 740-928-3266.


     Lectors assist in the proclaiming of the Word of God during Mass and other liturgical celebrations.  Lectors should have good public speaking abilities.  Training is required.  Once trained, you may serve at the Mass of your choice.  Please contact the Parish office at 740-928-3266.

Parish Council

     The Parish Council is responsible for helping the pastor in his duties to serve the parish in both spiritual and material needs.  Parish Council gives the parishioners an active role in the life of the parish and all parishioners are invited to attend Council meetings.  Anyone aged 18 or older and an active member of the parish may run for election to Council which consists of nine elected officials and various representatives from other parish ministries.  Parish Council currently meets on the second Tuesday of the month from September to June at 7 pm in the parish hall.  For more information, please check the bulletin or call the Parish office at 740-928-3266.

Parish School of Religion (PSR)

     Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish holds dear the spiritual welfare of our students and families.  Jesus Christ is the center of our lives and by focusing on this throughout the year we strive to keep a connection between the Liturgy, the classroom, and service to our fellow man.  The family is the main teacher of our faith and major emphasis is placed on parent involvement in reinforcing what is taught in the classroom on Sunday morning.  The PSR program, as important as it is, can only facilitate the ministry that occurs in the family.  Classes are taught by Catechists who have or are on their way to obtaining certification from the Diocese.  All Catechists and volunteers in the classroom must take a Protecting God's Children course and have a BCI fingerprinting/background check.

     PSR classes begin in September and end in early May.  Currently, PSR is held between the Sunday masses and begins at 9:15 am.  Classes are open to all youth age 4 to Grade 12.  In the Junior High classes, a year long course is required for reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation.  For more information on how to register a child or how to become a catechist, please contact  Glenda Reynolds at 740-928-3264. Protecting God's Children and BCI background check are required.

Prayer Warriors

     The Prayer Warriors is a Christian-based group of friends, family, and total strangers that come together via the internet to offer support for one another in times of need as well as times of thanksgiving and celebration.  The Prayer Warriors believe that prayer is extremely powerful and that God hears every prayer offered up to Him.  He answers our prayers in His own way and in His own time.  The majority of the members are from Our Lady of Mount Carmel; however, we have fellow Warriors from all over Ohio and even in other states.  Anyone may join the Prayer Warriors by e-mailing Sally Oldham at  Due to HIPAA laws, if you are asking for prayers for someone, you must have the person's permission to use their name.  If you do not have the person's permission, you may state " I have a friend/relative who needs prayers for......" Your Name.  Once all prayer requests are received, there is usually a prayer that can be said that incorporates all of the requests. 

     The Prayer Warriors care about others in a prayerful and loving way.  Together we lift our prayers of praise, adoration, petition, and thanksgiving to OUR Father.  We may come from varied locations, but we pray for anyone and anywhere for whatever need there is in their lives.

     Sally also has a separate e-mail list to send out important notices to just the OLMC family.  Through this list she informs the parishioners about deaths in the OLMC family, Holy Day hours, and special events happening within our parish.  If you would like to be a part of this list and are a member of OLMC, please e-mail Sally at

Protecting God's Children

     Out of concern for the safety and well-being of our children,  Our Lady of Mount Carmel parish is in full compliance with the requirements and best practices of the Protecting God's Children program, as administered by the Diocese of Columbus.  All employees and volunteers who have contact with minors must comply with the program.  Compliance involves attending a Protecting God's Children workshop and having a BCI background check.  The costs of these requirements are reimbursed by the parish.  For more information contact either Glenda Reynolds at the parish office 740-928-3264.

RCIA     The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a process by which unbaptized adults become full members of the Catholic Church.  It is the Church's way of extending an invitation to those who feel the desire to know more about the Catholic Church and explore its life.  The RCIA is directed to those who are searching and inquiring about the Catholic way of life.  It is filled with ceremonies, rites, and celebrations that celebrate each stage of the process.

     At Our Lady of Mount Carmel, the RCIA process begins in September after the Labor Day weekend and runs through the Easter Season.  We meet on Tuesday evenings from 7 - 9 pm in the parish hall.  The first stage of RCIA is the pre-Catechumenate or period of Inquiry.  Catechumens (unbaptized adults seeking to join the Catholic Church) and Candidates (adults baptized in another faith seeking to join the Catholic Church) celebrate the Rite of Welcoming and Acceptance on the First Sunday of Advent.  After this, the catechumens and candidates continue their faith journey.  On the First Sunday Lent, they will join others throughout the Diocese at the Rite of Election presided over by our Bishop and the catechumens become members of the Elect.  The newly Elect and Candidates continue their preparation throughout the Lenten season.  At the Easter Vigil Mass, the community comes together to celebrate those who have made the journey and welcome them into full communion with the Catholic Church.  For further information, please contact the Parish Office at 740-928-3266.   

Spirit Touch Dancers

     On certain occasions throughout the year in settings outside of the Sacred Liturgy, including prior to special PSR classes, a group of parishioners engage in forms of sacred dance.  All ages are welcome to attend rehearsals.  Please contact Glenda Reynolds at 740-928-3266.  

St. Vincent de Paul Society

     The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a Catholic lay organization that leads men and women to grow spiritually by offering person-to-person service to those who are needy and suffering.  In the tradition of its founder, Blessed Frederic Ozanam, and patron, St. Vincent de Paul, Vincentians are united in an international society of charity by their spirit of poverty, humility and sharing which is nourished by prayer and reflection, mutually supportive gatherings and adherence to the basic rule of the society.  Members witness God's love by embracing all works of charity and justice. 

     Our Lady of Mount Carmel Conference has provided help to the poor for over 25 years.  It presently has 16 members and five teams of visitors.  To become a Vincentian requires training and mentoring by experienced members, but mostly it requires a person who cares deeply for others and is willing to give of their time and effort to help people get through their difficulties.  Conference members personally reach out to our local community through teams of visitors.  This personalized service helps both the person in need and the Our Lady of Mount Carmel team.  The OLMC teams determine exactly what is needed in the privacy of the client's home.  Not only do we help monetarily with immediate needs, but also we can offer advice on the various social and spiritual services available to them.  All situations are unique and the solutions may vary, but the outcomes are the same - to comfort someone who is suffering, lost, or afraid - to let them know that God is with them.  These acts of charity feed our souls and give us purpose. 

     The St. Vincent de Paul Conference of OLMC meets on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7 pm in the parish hall.  For more information, contact Harold Crabtree through the parish office at 740-928-3266.

Walking With Purpose

    Walking with Purpose is a women's bible study group that explores how the scriptures pertain to women and their faith life.  Walking with Purpose is open to women of various ages and faiths.  The group meets during the school year on Wednesday evenings at 6 pm for fellowship followed by Bible Study and discussion.  A summer session is also offered.  For more information, contact the Parish office at 740-928-3266. You may also leave a message in Glenda Reynolds' or Donna Goodfleisch's mailboxes in the Parish Hall.

Vacation Bible School (VBS)

     Our VBS program takes place one week during the month of June or July.  It is open to all children of the parish and the surrounding Buckeye Lake region.  Students must be age 4 to students entering their 6th grade year in the Fall.  Youth entering 7th - 12th grade and recent high school graduates are encouraged to participate as helpers. (Graduates 18 years or older and all volunteers must have PGC and background check.)  The program is free to all participants thanks to several fund raisers throughout the year and the "Pennies for VBS" donations.  For more information about our program, please contact the parish office at 740-928-3266.